Most people live on ‘Auto Pilot’…. Very often we do things automatically, without noticing what we’re doing.
We churn out judgments about ourselves and others.
We try to do ten things at once.
We frequently get so caught up in thoughts and feelings about the past or future that we get lost in them, disconnecting from what is happening now right in front of us.
Mindfulness seeks to develop and nourish
present moment awareness.
Mindfulness is the practice of..
- Stepping back from being lost in thought
- Bringing your attention fully into the present moment
- Observing whatever arises in awareness with friendly curiosity
- It is non judgmental and accepting of whatever arises be it pleasant or unpleasant
Mindfulness Practice leads to..
- Less worry about the past or future
- Less criticism of self and others
- More acceptance of the present moment as it is
- A different way of relating to and coping with sensations, emotions, thoughts and feelings.
- A greater sense of being a part of life
Why Mindfulness is so important
The mind is an amazing tool
but if we are unable
to switch it off, it can
overwhelm us..
.It is estimated that the average person thinks between 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts every day!
Few people live in the moment, we very often dwell on the past or imagine what good or bad the future will hold..
Mindfulness can help to change all this.
You learn first hand how much the mind wanders, how it continuously shifts from one topic to another and how this mind wandering can allow negative thoughts and feelings to increase.
You will learn how to to catch these negative thought patterns before they spiral out of control..
You then learn how to bring the
mind back to the present moment.
Mindfulness gives you a break from the intensity of distressing thoughts and emotions because you see that they are only PART of our ACTUAL present moment experience. As you gain some distance from the intensity of a problem – solutions are much easier to arrive at.
Your health will improve
Blood pressure normalised
Heart rate lowered
Cardiovascular effectivity increased
Enhanced immune system
Reduced stress and anxiety
Improved sleep and concentration
Stomach and Bowel function improves
Pain is easier to cope with
Aging process decreased
You will feel a greater sense of connectedness to life as a whole
and simply feel HAPPIER for absolutely no reason whatsoever!..